


Dress appropriately per Dress Code and come prepared

Don’t chew gum or bring food and/or drinks into the studio, a water bottle is ok

Don’t wear dance shoes outside of the studio or wear street shoes inside the studio

Don’t wear dangling or sharp-edged jewelry

Please practice proper personal hygiene

Please put personal belongings inside the cubbies before dance class

Don’t come late and if you do, please enter very quietly

Don’t leave early. If it is a must, talk to the teacher before class begins

Don’t talk while the teacher is talking

Completely silence and stow your cell phone

Respect the personal space of others

Respect the dance space. Pick up all trash, and take home all personal items

Respect one another

Don’t “hang” or slouch on the barres

Don’t sit, touch, or lean on the mirrors

Don’t record or photograph anything without permission

When wearing Cadence Dance Project apparel, remember you are representing “Dance with Purpose” and all that Cadence Dance Project stands for.


PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE:  DO NOT PARK, IDLE, DROP OFF OR PICK UP IN THE RED ZONE OR ON THE CORNER OF WISCONSIN AND CLEVELAND. We need to ensure the safety of all families and need to keep the corner CLEAR for pedestrians. 

We encourage dance families (for dancers Ages 6 and Up) to Drop off and Pick up Dancers. If you do decide to stay, please keep viewing at the windows to a minimum. We want to make sure dancers are focused during classes and not distracted by what is happening outside at the windows/doors.

If parents decide to stay at the studio for OVER AN HOUR PLEASE avoid PARKING on Wisconsin Ave.  in front of the studio. We like to keep Wisconsin Ave. Open for Drop Off and Pick Ups Only. 

SIBLINGS: If Parents are outside with Siblings that are NOT dancing, please remind siblings to NOT run back and forth on sidewalks, climb on windowsills, or hang on the bars in the front of the studio. Siblings should be sitting at the picnic tables. CADENCE Staff is NOT responsible for siblings that are not in dance class. Parents are responsible for watching their children if you do plan to stay outside. This is for the safety of all children. 

For Dancer Drop-Off: if you drop your dancer off early, they must go into the Lobby and wait for their class to start. There is no waiting outside of the studio before class when a parent is not present. 

For Dancer Pick-Up: please arrive 5 minutes before class is over. Give yourself enough time to walk to the front of the studio. Dancers are NOT allowed to walk down Cleveland St. or across Wisconsin alone to go to their parents' car. They must wait to be picked up in front of the studio by one parent. 

Cancellation/Class Change Notice: 

A 30-Day Notice must be given to cancel enrollment at CADENCE DANCE PROJECT. All cancellations must be emailed to 30 Days in advance. There will be NO refunds or Credits on tuition if a 30-Day Notice was not emailed/processed. 



If a student misses their normal class time due to an excused absence (Ex: Illness/Family emergency), they will be permitted to do a make-up class within 30-days of their missed class. Non-excused absences (Ex: Vacations/Misc. schedule conflicts) are not applicable for make-ups. Once the 30-day period expires, students will be unable to participate in a make-up class. Make-ups will only be permitted for one week of missed classes per month. Make-up classes must be done in the same age group and level as their existing class enrollment. Make-ups are non-transferable between students. All make-up requests must be emailed to prior to attending class. Due to the majority of our classes being at capacity, make-ups can only be done in a case of illness/emergency and will not be accepted on a weekly basis. Make-ups will not be granted if your child is no longer enrolled in a class. If you have scheduled a make-up class and DO NOT attend the make-up class scheduled, you will forfeit the make-up class.

Make-up requests must be emailed to in the following format:

  1. Student Name

  2. Date and Time of Missed Class(es)

  3. Reason for Missed Absence (please attach doctor’s note if applicable)

  4. Which class would you like to do a make-up class in (Spot is not guaranteed)


Make-ups will not be granted for the following Studio Breaks: Spring Break, Summer Break I, Summer Break II, Thanksgiving Break and Christmas Break. Studio Breaks are factored into the yearly tuition structure. Holidays that fall on a Monday only (ex: MLK, Memorial Day, Pres. Day and Labor Day) are eligible for a makeup class.

CADENCE DANCE PROJECT's yearly tuition structure averages out to 4 weeks per month with Studio Breaks factored into the weekly average (For Example: Some months will have 5 weeks, while others may have 3 weeks). To reiterate, there is no proration for months that have 3 weeks of classes, just as we do not upcharge for months that have 5 weeks of classes. CADENCE DANCE PROJECT's tuition structure is a flat rate monthly charge and no exceptions will be made to this policy.




CADENCE DANCE PROJECT reserves the right to refuse service if the above conditions are not met